Rewards Campaign Builder - Screen 2 - Basic

Rewards Campaign Builder - Screen 2

Set a duration for your campaign. We recommend a duration of 30 days or less, the number of days starts once your campaign is approved and published. Once your campaign has either reached the set number of days you specified or the set target amount your campaign will be closed successfully.

If your campaign has generated more interest and you would like to continue to receive pledges above your minimum amount, you can set your campaign to accept overpayments. If you check off accept overpayments, your campaign will continue to collect funds from pledgers until the duration set is reached.

Campaign Media
A pitch video is highly recommended to your convey your message to Umergence community members. If you are sure how to create a video remember you could always hire a freelancer from listed Freelancer Services on Umergence to help you create an awesome video. Once you have a video, upload it to youtube and provide the link to your pitch video. It will appear on the top of your campaign page.

Thumbnail image and cover image will appear on the top of your Rewards Campaign page. You could use a logo or create a image that is compelling and will draw interest from the Umergence community.

This section provides ways for people to find your campaign. Provide a short description of your campaign. This text will be seen when Umergence community members browse campaigns. Tag names can be searched by the community or found through others using similar tags. Be creative and choose tags that will help people find your campaign. Links are provided to link your campaign page to your social media platforms.

This tutorial continues here.