Security Campaign Builder - 13 - Campaign Details - Basics

Security Campaign Builder - 13 - Campaign Details - Basics

Campaign Details – this tab of the campaign builder allows users to build the campaign Basics, About , Offering Info, Contacts and Teammembers, Extras, FAQ, and Directors and Officers sections of the campaign. These will comprise what prospective investors will see when they view the campaign page after the offering is posted.


Duration – This sets when the offering will end. Make sure dates used in this section agree with the dates listed in any official offering documentation or any regulatory filings associated with the offering.


Campaign Media – The pitch video link listed in this section will be the video users can click within the campaign banner on the campaign page. This video will be the first impression many potential investors or backers will see for the campaign. The video is what hooks backers or investors into wanting to know more. A campaign doesn’t always need a video, but most successful campaigns have one. Make a text file of the script for the video, because it may need to be attached to the campaign and submitted to regulators.

Some guidelines:

  • People will want to see and hear the passion from the founders own voice.
  • Try to capture your viewers attention within the first few seconds.
  • If the video is too short, too long, unprofessional, boring, or confusing it could lose the viewer’s attention.
  • Look at videos from other offers and see what makes them stand out.
  • If you hire a professional videographer to make the video, it can be more cost effective to plan to hire them for several update videos as well as a package to lower your cost per video.
  • Start the video with an emotional hook, and a statement about what problem you’re solving and how.
  • Make sure backers and investors can clearly understand the fundamentals of your business and how it makes money in the first 30 seconds of the video.
  • Having the founders appear in the video can help build trust.
  • Make sure you have the rights to use all the content you use for your videos.


The Short description is meant to be a one sentence summary of the campaign. Think carefully about this field because it is limited to 160 characters.


Everything on Umergence can be searched specifically with the search function, but pages can also be located by indirectly searching for tags. Adding a few Campaign Tags to will make it easier for others to find.


Adding Links can be done by copying their url in this section. Be sure to include all the characters of the url, such as – This will insure that the link will be clickable for anyone.

This tutorial continues for the next section of the campaign builder here.