Idea Builder - Business Plan - 4 - Team Members

Idea Builder - Business Plan - Team Members


Add new team member - You can search for users within the Umergence network to add by typing in the search. If the member does not have a Umergence account, clicking “+invite user” will send a Umergence Invite to their email. Upon accepting the invite, they become part of the team. Idea pages are private by default and can only been seen by you and your team. To make an idea page public, you must click the “publish” button on the page .

Connecting to and inviting strategic partners, advisors, mentors, customers, and investors is advisable at this stage. Engage with people who are interested in your progress and have expertise that can guide you. These will be the most valuable people to invite during this stage.

As you get more comfortable with your plans, start inviting potential investors into the mix BEFORE you begin actively seeking capital. This will make it much easier when you’re ready to shift to fundraising mode with an investor pitch.

You can return to the editor to add more people to the team, edit and add new sections at any time. When you’re satisfied for now, click “Finish” or “Go To Idea” to view your finished page.


You can access the editor of an idea you created by viewing the idea page and clicking the image button.

By default, your page is private and only accessible by those you invite to your team. It can be made publicly viewable by clicking the image button.

To quickly access your ideas when logged in, the image icon will open your activity menu.


If you haven’t already done so, contact the Umergence team at if you’d like to engage us to help you directly to achieve your business and funding goals. We can help connect you to resources for Intellectual, Social, and Financial capital.

If you have a company established for your business, learn how to add a company profile here.